1. CF67944-101
Code upgraded)
These SMART CODES send the Astro Projected Version of our CEO with a tie and slacks to the individual when approved and work to negotiate with both parties to effectively resolve issues under ethical terms.
The Astro Projected Version of our CEO seeks resolution for both parties and identifies himself each time when necessary to both parties by answering questions and resolving concerns.
These SMART CODES are based on approval and are combined with all other codes. These codes are designed for people who can hear and see into the spirit world. Remember if a person has to get high to see in the spirit world they are playing the wrong game. A person that can see in the spirit world should be able to see the Astro Projected Version of our CEO without getting high. If a person can not see into the spirit world unless inebriated then they need to quickly identify the spiritual contract they may be under that is not allowing such visuals to be shown.
This code increases the power efficacy
100 % X 29B
Back door hidden code
More 89234-9
****This code can be used as many times as you want to and restructures and recategorizes you to improve your odds every time you send the code out****
This code multiplies the most recent code available, for example if code 82 was the most recent code then code 82 would be multiplied by 999 Centillion spiritual 🔥 fire power and multiplied by 999 Centillion each day progressing, never regressing, adding never subtracting.
This code multiplies by 2 x 999 Centillion spiritual 🔥 fire power and multiplies itself by 999 Centillion each day autonomously. This code progresses and never regresses, adds and never subtracts.
This code will 358907-24 every single 309457-29 to see it and feel it's 356901-38 and it's effects for 24 straight hours. It also autonomously multiplies in power when being used by multiple individuals by 999 Centillion the 🔥 fire power every time it is used and x 2 999 Centillion the 🔥 fire power every time it is used from past to present for people with zero spiritual violations at 6am.
You should see a floating black Astro Projected 3904-7 Astro project for those that can see into the spirit world. That very same 89034-7 can be seen by the intended target as it 390457-29.
If approved, they report back those who have been 590134-29 by 309478-34 or by 409368-24 chambers and they have the ability to protect.
They have the ability to take people to places of 690347-19 and 309746-24.
Premonition mode, remote viewing, 490689-27 Mode are some of the protective measures.
The 390789-24 is called to deliver the 290457-34. This is usually, not always after a person has been found guilty and has been given multiple opportunities to cease and desist further forms of HEXING due to a multitude of reasons.
2. CF67944-108
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
1000 % X 29B
Back Door Hidden Characters
Amanii Personnel
Check out time is 6 am CST
Male Astro Projection Amanii Personnel
Female Astro Projection Amanii Personnel
Uniforms vary, Red and Black, Blue and Black, Solid Black with Chrome face Shields and 569034-29 that are designed to send 390784-35 force to the intruder and immobilize the threats. Both male and females are part of this infantry. They walk, talk, are visible, and can dissapear. Amanii Astro Projection Personnel are able to remove their face plates when they want to.
3. M67944-106
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
4. M67845-105
Billion % X 29B
Back Door Hidden Character
Amanii Lava Astro Projection Personnel
Check out time is 6 am CST Every Day
Uniform are black and orange and appear like lava.
10 feet tall, 300lbs or more.
The primary objective is to neutralize projection hi-jacking and Projection Slave Camps during REM or at various times during sleep or in person while awake.
5. CF67944-104
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Trillion % X 29B
6. CF67944-103
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Quadrillion % X 29B
7. CF67944-302
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Quintrillion % X 29B
8. CF67944-100
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Sextillion % X 29B
9. CF67974-102
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Septillion % X 29B
10. CF67944-102
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Octillion % X 29B
11. CMR7944-102
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Nonillion % X 29B
12. CF679433-102
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy
Decillion % X 29B
13. CF6SF44-102
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code increases the power efficacy by the next % rank in the numeric equation and converts codes:
14 through 108 from our discussion forum, into SMART CODES that allows the person that is utilizing our coding structure to communicate with our Astro Projected Version of our CEO in person in order to work in achieving higher levels of achievement, progress, and results.
These codes when approved run on precog in order to bring faster results based on what you need that can move you ahead at a faster level of achievement in the spiritual realm.
This coding structure when approved uses precog and identifies solutions using visual holograms weeks in advance before we add them to
This is more of a covert smart discussion forum that provides information to those who are looking. This discussion forum is designed to place you light years ahead of your competitors.
109. CF6HH44-106
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
The Astro Projection Version of Uno Amanii with the professional Decorum style dressware shows him with a near bald head, and the visual should only appear somewhat translucent with no color.
Do not be fooled by imitations. Verify, discern, and confirm. The height should be approximately 6'4.
This code auto activates Uno Amanii for 24 hours.
If approved, the Astro Projection Version of Uno Amanii should be able to communicate with those who can see him and hear him.
His design protocol is different from the version that is accessible on the Centurian Forums Discussion Forum.
The discussion forum is designed for the smart elite with a professional Decorum style. Omni present mode means being in multiple places at one time. This option for the Astro Projection Version of Uno Amanii is available by going through through The Creator of The Universe. If a person is practicing witchcraft, they still need to go through The Creator of The Universe in order to use this version of data so there are no hinderences or penalties added by summoning of demons, because remember as we stayed earlier, they have to report to The Creator of The Universe when being summoned.
This SMART CODE sends the Astro Projected Version of our CEO with a tie and slacks to the individual when approved and works to negotiate with both parties to effectively resolve issues under ethical terms.
The Astro Projected Version of our CEO seeks resolution for both parties and identifies himself each time when necessary to both parties by answering questions and resolving concerns.
This SMART CODE is based on approval and are combined with all other codes. These codes are designed for people who can hear and see into the spirit world.
Remember if a person has to get high to see in the spirit world they are playing the wrong game. A person that can see in the spirit world should be able to see the Astro Projected Version of our CEO without getting high. If a person can not see into the spirit world unless inebriated then they need to quickly identify the spiritual contract they may be under that is not allowing such visuals to be shown.
The spiritual software program that we use is designed to create an individual heirarchy in your business that is part of the,, and the discussion forum.
The Astro Projection Version of Uno Amanii with the professional Decorum style dressware shows him with a near bald head, and the visual should only appear somewhat translucent with no color. Do not be fooled by imitations. Verify, discern, and confirm. The height should be approximately 6'4 as previously stated.
Every time a person uses Satan's name or the names of Demons they have to understand that what worked a second ago may not work a second from now and there are penalties for doing so without the permission from The Creator of The Universe.
From the conversations that are being gathered in the spirit world, Satan does not like his name being thrown around like a tin can. Some of these people get really worked up in some of these rituals they claim to be a part of and they don't understand the full consequences of name dropping. We have to remember spiritual court is going on 24 hours a day and penalties are a part of the spiritual court system.
As stated earlier, this particular code sends our CEO in person using Astro Projection to speak with the Demon as well as Satan if necessary and communicates directly with the Angels or the Amanii Personnel in order to determine the best solution. This code makes the job alot easier by resolving the issue for all parties and neutralizes and blocks people from hearing the ritualistic conversations by sending code A111-78 for 24 straight hours directly to the person so nobody has to hear it. The code identifies all annoyances that all parties may have and sends backdoor code A111-78 to resolve such issues.
This code creates a backup file and converts negative reinforcements to positive reinforcements that can be used by allocating a percentage of these reinforcements to assist you concerning things that are most important to you and your overall success. In order to determine what has been allocated to you, you must go through the Intercessory Channel at or
110. CY64H44-107
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
Family Affair & Spiritual Authorities
Contacting Those Who May Be Hindering Your Future
Contacting all the people and spiritual authorities through approved spiritual authorities that have you under existing spiritual contracts that are hindering you from moving up in life may be important.
I have reason to believe based on the numerous conversations I have heard in the spiritual realm that the above statement is true and that there are several factors that people are not able to see that are contributing to lengthy delays and ongoing problematic situations occuring because of these issues whether family member related causing extreme due hardship on the individual or spiritual authorities causing extreme due hardship for those living on earth.
If approved we locate every single spiritual contract that is existing whether by past relatives that use to live on earth or through spiritual authorities. We work to dismiss and permanently remove these contracts that are holding you back, have curses attached to them and we work to resolve the situation and provide both visual and verbal confirmations.
Is it possible for relatives that are no longer physically living on earth to retain power and control over you? Are there spiritual authorities that have existing spiritual contracts over you that are holding you back?
This code is used to contact spiritual authorities and provide confirmations and structured compliance methods to assist you in getting out of the spiritual contracts or prophecies that are holding you back.
This code uses both discussion forums and to extract data, by placing you at an advantage in the heirarchy structure and identifies those people that are problematic by placing them in rotation in your heirarchy where they are taken to spiritual court where determinations are made that can assist you.
Be prepared to hear several sides of the argument from both parties whether that be from past loved ones speaking to spiritual authorities or spiritual authorities speaking to other spiritual authorities.
If approved you will have at least one Astro Projection Intercessor that will intercess on your behalf. that will work with you to identify the problems and provide permanent solutions that can work to assist you in moving ahead.
111. CY64H44-108
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
Is It Possible to Avoid Becoming A Human Shock Absorber For Someone Else?
I don't think anyone wants to be a footstool or a human shock absorber for anyone else. This code takes your individual situation to spiritual court in order to provide a solution so it minimizes the chances of ever getting to that point.
This code uses every concievable means of litigation that is approved to assist you in avoiding becomming a future footstool human shock absorber for someone else, including spiritual authority figures. This code determines the outcome through precognition by using future knowledge in the realm of the supernatural and works to settle quick, any disputes by working autonomously on your behalf by providing other candidates.
This code brings up people that have been aprehended or will be aprehended and brings up the most severe offenses that our courts would justify as heinous.
These violations are brought up through our precog division where we show the spiritual courts these egregious acts and we request that these individuals are substituted in both your foot stool heiarchy and the authority figures that are requesting the footstool against you.
112. CY64H44-195
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
K.A.R.R Knight Automated Roving Robot
Is There Such Thing As K.A.R.R Protection? [======================]
What if K.A.R.R could scan our database, matching you with data that is customized for you each day through our precog data base?
What if K.A.R.R could contact people or spiritual authorities automatically by picking up hexes and curses from individuals and redirecting these hexes and curses to people that have been found guilty of attempting to hex or curse people who are participating with organization?
What if K.A.R.R could contact niche markets in order to move you closer to those market segmented locations that are important to your over all success?
What if K.A.R.R could contact K.I.T.T. or K.I.T.T could contact K.A.R.R in order to instantaneously activate the Mobile Command Unit which houses hundreds of pages of data in order to minimize casualty or loss, by working autonomously?
113. CY64648-196
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
18 Wheeler Goliath Armored Trailer
Goliath & Knight Rider
The 18 Wheeler named Goliath is armed with 4 missles that eject and are able to send up to 20 missles toward it's intended recipient. The missle
projectiles are located above the roof of the 18 Wheeler & has a heavily fortified smash resistant front Grill.
Sleeping gas is part of the cosmetic features and reports indicate the grill may be as sharp as a razor. Molecular bonding may be a feature according to sources that indicate the 18 Wheeler was virtually impenatrable.
What would an Astro Projection Smart Code look like that could simulate features, like repelling sleep hexes by sending them back to people that are attempting to hex those participating with our organization and provide reserve energy? What would Astro Projection Missles look like if they were able to send an unlimited supply, linking to a GPS Guided Satalite that uses hologram Missles for up to 24 straight hours?
What would a complete body lock down scanning software program look like if the inside computer control system of the Goliath 18 Wheeler could physically lock down the entire body of an intruder ?
What if the physical or spiritual software program could make it nearly impossible to move the human body by placing considerable weight, so that it makes it nearly impossible to complete tasks?
What if the remote software program could place invisable or visable EPS check points, as well as dye packs that explode on the body of the intruder that are radio controlled by people that are using this code that are protecting themselves in the spiritual realm? What if the EPS software program could auto create a heirarchy designed to permanently stop the group that is hexing by placing the entire group as a human shock absorber using options 34903-1, 34904-2, 34905-3-All.
If the 18 Wheeler named Goliath could autonomously track every person that places witch craft on people's paperwork in order to report them, how much of an impact would the remote software program have if the people that are participating with our organization were protected with the molecular bonding feature from the 18 Wheeler? What if the software program was linked to a psychiatry program that auto categorizes people based on an intellectual remote software program?
Would it be possible for the 18 Wheeler named Goliath to use an Intel System that was so smart it could accurately predict information that could auto interpret, using precog, and spiritual court, gifts for all occasions as well as holidays? For example, special occasions, like Christmas, birthdays, ect. as well as taking care of all thank you requests? What if it could accurately create the best digital holograms for all important occasions? Do you think this would be possible, why or why not?
114. CY64648-196
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
<Airwolf Helicopter>
Would it be possible to install 6 .1000 Caliber Super Sonic Chainguns on a Airwolf Helicopter that could be viewable in the physical or spiritual realm?
What would it look like if Airwolf had 4 2000 mm Chainguns, equiped with 6 Heat Seaking Strike & Hellfire Missles that autonomously reloaded, One Laser Pointer, Red, Green, or Orange Laser, along with a ADF pod, standing for, All Directional Firing, so, what would that look like?
Would you be able to picture a stratospheric ceiling, stealth noise reduction that had the ability to deploy a vehicle that was invisable or visable, along with a Stealth Airplane, called the F-117 Nighthawk, that could auto update and provide just about any answer to any question you had using a spiritual search engine, would that be possible?
Would it be possible for Airwolf to have a mind of it's own that could run automously? What if the helicopter had bulletproof protection and was repellant
against any hex or curse in the spiritual or physical realm? What would Invisable radar detection and unlimited mach speed look like?
What if the entire zone could be analized, including the weather, with a built in weather doppler system that could predict and create weather for individual people, with pin point accurate forecasting and infra red, green, or orange customized system?
If the helicopter had spiritual radio jamming, remote control blocking, with freeze frame, that freezes the attackers hex or curse so they are unable to intrude in your territory, what kind of an impact would that have? If the helicopter could detect, friend or enemy, what would that look like?
If the helicopter could hologram in the spiritual or physical realm, how would that effect different territories, whether physical or spiritual. Do you think that would be possible, why or why not?
What if Airwolf had a twin helicopter that auto hologrammed as backup when auto activated through a central control system that was only accessible by reading this paragraph? Would that be possible and if so, what would that look like? What would that look like if there were enemy intruders attempting to clone it's software? What kind of protective parameters would be activated if Airwolf was able to detect it?
115. CY74148-350
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
<Blue Thunder Helicopter>
If it were possible for Airwolf and Blue Thunder to protect real people simultaneously, what would that be like?
Would it be possible to design a prototype attack chopper like Blue Thunder that is equiped with a modified GE M61 100mm Vulcan Cannon, along with a 1.2 M230 Chain Gun, a Smith & Wesson 10HB and a newly modified Gatling Gun with unlimited fire power?
What if there was a back door spiritual software program that utilized an attack chopper in the spiritual physical realm that could auto catergorize all physical court judicial hearings, lawsuits, and collection efforts, by placing the intended person under permanent spiritual protection, rendering the individual not guilty based upon the new evidence.
What if the back door program could hold the person or persons responsible for the hex or curse as the guilty party, holding them completely responsible for all negligent acts and repercussions reciprocating from any hex or curse related negligence?
What if the prototype could create a point system that could increase the likely hood of surpassing objectives and any gatekeepers that are hendering the individual in the spiritual realm, linking to directly to a data base surpassing expectations of the opposite party?
What if the backdoor code could easily deal with repetitive thoughts, ambush thoughts, hexes or spells, by repelling 100% of them each and every time with pin-point accuracy, using what is called a peekaboo technique?
What if all three choppers could determine all individuals that meet certain ramifications concerning our data base requirements by intermittently and residually identifying and assessing people who are inadvertently or advertantly hexing or cursing people trouble by utilizing spiritual parameters that exceed the requirements in order to deal with such circumstances, building a reservoir back up for that person or for those people that are participating with our organization that automatically matches what a person likes before they have time to even think or move forward with a thought, do you think such a program can be created?
116. CYA4148-350
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
<Silver Armored Van>
If there was such an Armored Van that could think automously, could make decisions and never make wrong ones, what would an Armored Van of that caliber look like?
What if there was such a Armored Sliver Van that was indestructible? If there was a van that had remote control back doors that unlocked and opened by themselves and unleashed the most sophisticated Gatling Gun that could auto update by staying ahead of modern times, what would it look like?
What were the original capabilities of the A-Team Van? What kind of weapons did the cast use from The A-Team? Sources indicate that the A-Team used weapons like the Colt.45 pistols, 700 Sniper riffles, Remington 870 pump-action shotguns, M-16 assualt rifles, M-60 machine guns, as well as weapons like the M-79 grenade launcher.
Is it possible for an all silver Armored Astro Projection Van to have remote control capabilities, whereby the sender could request that the all silver van reach certain destinations and retrieve intel? What would be the deffense capabilities of such a van?
Would it be possible for the A-TEAM van to be configured in such a way that it could call for back up autonomous vehicles, such as the Airwolf Helicopter?
Would it be possible for all of these vehicles to utilize features such as Omni present mode, which means being in multiple places at one time? What kind of additional capabilities if updated in our modern day era would those two vehicles have?
117. CYTAB-350
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
<The Cave>
<The Hide Out>
<Invisible For 24 Hours>
Is it possible for a person to become invisible in the spiritual realm? Is it possible to create a custom darknight hide out? If you could be invisible for 24 straight hours and could prove it, what kind of difference would that make in your life if you could be invisible for 24 hours, 1 day a week?
If we could run off of Precognition Mode, which would mimick your daily rutine by making adjustments and improving it for the next week, week by week, how much of a difference would that make in your life?
Powers that be, whether human or non human can't hit what they can't see. In addition, what if The Dark Knight Rises Bat Plane could meet every adversary, coding you as invisible and indestructible during the 24 hours, by redirecting pandemonium away from you, how much more of a difference would that make?
To sum up the conversation, we would surmise that an algorithm like this would probably run off of fast mode. So if you could choose any day of the week, which day would you choose each week?
118. COMBO-V12
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
<Invisible 6 Days a Week 24 Hours a Day>
<Invisible 365 Days a Year Including Redirects>
<This Code Gives You Invisibility 7 Days a Week>
<This Code Links to Code 117 and The 1 Day Invisibility Code>
This Code places anyone with zero spiritual violations within a 24 hour time frame, beginning at 6:00am CST in an Invisable state of Invisibility for 6 out of 7 days a week. This code links to code 117. which has the 1 day invisibility and gives the person 7 full days of Invisibility as long as the person can maintain zero spiritual violations during that time frame.
If a person is found to have committed a spiritual violation the person can request that someone with no spiritual violations intercede on their behalf by vouching for them. If the vouch is approved, the person that committed the spiritual violation will go back to invisible mode, so on and so forth.
Permanent Invisibility
Known as Indestructible Mode
Anyone who has obtained any of the ranks listed below will qualify for Invisibility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This is applicable and will be approved even if the person has been found by spiritual courts to have committed a spiritual violation. The ranks are listed below and the qualifications to obtain such ranks are listed under career opportunities under the post:
Code 93 & Above Try Apocalypse Mode Against Your Intruders
Career opportunities
1. Manager
2. Boss
3. Chief Financial Officer
4. Chief Operating Officer
5. Commander
6. Commander of Honor
Knighthood Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Immortality
7. Amanii Oracle
Knighthood Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Immortality
8. Amanii Personnel & CFBOD
Centurion Forums Board of Directors
Knighthood Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Immortality
The more people use our algorithms and coding structure that qualify and are approved for the positions listed above, the stronger the level of Indestructibility will be. The more people use our coding structures, the stronger level of Indestructibility the person will have, increasing never decreasing.
We are not saying to cease or stop your prayer requests that you are sending day to day. We understand that there may be times when you may be tired or asleep as well as times when you can not send in a request or times when you need back up and spiritual support. This code is designed to do that.
This code is designed to create precog scenarios, taking into consideration what would of happened day to day if the person wasn't invisible in the spiritual realm by using strategic parameters to stop the intruders and all intruders around the universe.
This code deploys a decoy with your permission only, allowing you to make the decision to deploy the decoy by redirecting the consequences back to the individual or individuals without any negative spiritual consequences effecting you in anyway shape or form that would make things uncomfortable.
If you do not approve and are satisfied with the decision to deploy the decoy in any way shape or form during Spiritual Court in advance, then the decoy version will not be deployed. Think of it like watching a movie trailer of a movie and reading the ratings of the movie you intend to watch to a greater level of observation. The decoy could be as simple as your name, a hologram picture, or an emotion, however as we stated earlier, it will only be deployed with your permission in advance using precognition.
This structure uses a residual heiarchy structure, so the higher up you go from level to level or through our Intercessory Precognition structure, the more abilities and things you are able to aquire, and the more power you have to use which is in conjunction with our number structure.
This code uses <auto pilot stop conversations> to stop conversations that spiritual authorities are using and sends the code before the altercation can take place, so you don't have to hear it and automatically redirects the conversation to other people converting the conversations and directing the conversations away from you.
This code uses all C-19 websites and runs a reprogram module in the spiritual realm that reconfigures all parameters according to how you would act, feel, or respond to such repercussions, systems, or structures, and redirects such responses in the spiritual realm to your intruders. This code uses <RUN ENGINE MODE> in advance to stop your intruders or people that are trying to cause problems with your heirarchy structure before they can cause the problem.
119. Universe Tournament Mode
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
<The Grey DeLorean>
Universe Tournament Mode>
This code restructures every spiritual tournament in the universe that is in the spiritual realm around our tournament by placing you in the lead and in the front of the line and not the back, no matter how many times a tournament is created or changed. This code works to address all concerns of every single spiritual authority by working with them and not against them.
Think of it like going back to the future. What if the same DeLorean named Gigawatt could auto place you light years above every one else no matter what tournament was being played?
What if going back to the future, back from the future, or back to your future was possible in order to place you in the best possible position?
What if the time machine DeLorean could pre-determine every possible outcome concerning spiritual tournaments by making sure that your expectations would be met every single time, no matter how many times a spiritual tournament that your were pre-selected for was changed? What if there was a DeLorean that was actually called Mash-Up Gigawatt, that could remain incognito or could transform into a robot that could think on it's own and had one of the smartest computer processors in the world which was able to auto program results for individuals that are participating in our program using Intel from infinite intelligence that is light years ahead of the competition?
When this code is used by those participating with our organization, it places the person using the code as well as our entire organization in a better spiritual stat ranking position concerning unknown spiritual stat ranks and works to optimize performance levels for the individual that is using our platform.
It's important to access our discussion forums, learning the coding structure, while you determine which codes work the best for your company and business. The discussion forums are,, and
120. Autodialer Mode
Relapse Prevention Mode
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code autodials into our database using the fastest possible time frame to assist you by counteracting problematic situations. This code activates itself by activating 10 aditional codes and auto converts all data technology regarding 1026-138 coding, by deploying the best algorithm for each individual using our Intercessory Channel.
Is it possible to counteract a thought or an emotion before it gets to it's intended location? This code holds spiritual court 24 hours a day, every day in order to stop such relapse hexes or curses from reaching its intended destination and works to block such occurances from taking place.
This code takes the person to spiritual court in advance to deal with the situation by providing a solution rather then just sending the mitigating circumstances to the person to deal with.
121. Grey House Intake
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
What if a Grey House existed that could override all countries around the world? Would such a house exist? What kind of known or unknown detterents would other countries use around the world? Would it be possible to run a coded structure behind a grey house that hologrammed with pin-point accuracy?
Would it be possible to place you ahead of every single country around the world? Are there any known or unknown variables that exist around the universe? If other variables existed, would it be possible to allow these variables to utilize approved infrastructures within our organization to better mankind and civilization?
122. Praying Hands
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
Is there such a thing as praying hands that exist that hologram and can automously protect people, places, or things and it's prayers that people are praying are indestructible? What level of protection do these prayers have for people that are participating with our organization?
If you are interested in learning about increasing your protection or the protection of those participating with your organization, a request can be placed through our intercessory channel.
123. Doll House
Permanent Intercessor for You
This code assigns an Astro Projection Amanii Intercessor With Your Permission Concerning Every Single Outcome Before a Decision is Made Pertaining To The Outcome In Order To Give You The Best Chances Of Staying Ahead.
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code assigns an Intercessor to every single Demon, Angel, Spiritual Authority, and Decision Maker, permanently, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty five days a year, permanently for the rest of your life and the rest of their life in order to obtain the best results that are physically and spiritually possible in order to give you the best chances of staying ahead of the curb as well as your competitors.
This code freeze frames certain outcomes so that adjustments can be made before a situation becomes unbearable. This code works to catch you up in the spiritual realm dating all the way back to your conception so that you have a better chance of staying ahead of the curb.
This code places people from our heirarchy that can not hear or see in the spiritual realm by placing them in your organization so that better transitions concerning possible out comes can be made by allowing you to create, recreate, and redefine new scenarios by redefining your future.
This code is designed to allow a 24-7 Amanii Intercessor to speak with each Demon, Angel, and Spiritual Authority in the spiritual or physical realm in order to resolve issues, concerns, make decisions, or adjustments concerning every possible conceivable idea, thought, plan of action, or course of action that will effect or could effect your outcome, in any way, shape or form. This code allows our Amanii Intercessor to be visible and in multiple places in the spiritual realm or physical realm at the same time and allows the Demon, Angel, Spiritual Authority, or Decision maker to see the Amanii Intercessor 24-7 if necessary using Astro Projection or what ever means necessary in order to obtain results.
What if a code could be assigned that could make accurate predictions concerning your past, present, and future as well as prioritizing people, places, and things based upon your likes and interests? What if a algorithm existed that was so complex it could easily resolve the most complex answers without making a single error?
What if a code existed that was indestructible, that could make up work for you, no matter your age, by prioritizing spiritual files, completing and converting unfinished work to completed work, from past to present, to future, concerning the spiritual and physical realm on your behalf?
Do Astro projection dreams existml? Are people working in the spiritual realm while they appear to be clinically asleep?
Who are all these people that we meet in our dreams, and if so are they even people? Is it possible to log into unfinished dreams and plans by completing the work in seconds rather then decades and is it possible to surpass others in this world of world's where dreams contain endless possibilities of enrichment and fortitude by completing tasks that appear to be somewhat impossible?
124. Who is HIPAA?
Pink Hippopotamus
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
Paperwork is important when we see companies that monitor and track people by leaving paper trails in the spiritual realm of destruction for other people to see. Companies that track people using paperwork can mean the difference in living past 60 because they knew and we're able to clean up their spiritual file know by dealing with their karma or havingha person go home in a cedar box at 60 because they didn't know and never saw it comming.
They have people that actually track people that commit any spiritual violation by attaching humiliating information as well as sensitive information to their paperwork for all to see in the spiritual realm.
In the past we have heard underground groups using the name HIPAA in the spiritual realm to destroy and humiliate people and their reputation.
This group was a very powerful group of individuals that operated in the spiritual realm behind the HIPAA name. It doesnt mean these people worked for HIPAA, however they were a very powerful group that used the spiritual realm for various reasons.
According to research, HIPAA and their mission online in the past was designed to enforce protection concerning civil rights and civil rights legislation by protecting people from discriminatory actions based on race and national origin.
There was a group of people or spiritual powers in the spiritual realm, we found out that were responsible for sending people disturbing visual images. These images would hologram out of thin air or appear in a person's head.
There were images sent with debauchery, degredation, bestiality and we're able to mimic people that I recognized. These images and depictions were sent from the spirit world and forced people to watch explicit content in their mind for hours or even months at a time.
The common trait that we found was that they were able to subject a person to mental images that were tormenting and began as soon as the person shut or closed their eyes.
Every time the person closed their eyes the spiritual overdose began. This was at one time one of the largest groups I have personally ever seen that worked and operated in the spiritual realm. Not only would they send disturbing content, they were able to astro project people during sleep and we're able to torment them.
This code works to deter and stop such intruders by contacting them through spiritual channels and works to immobilize them by minimizing the chances of them sending you disturbing content.
125. Who is Sampson?
Who is Sampson People?
Who is the real Sampson?
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
In the past this group called themselves Sampson People. They were notorious for spiritual wars in the spiritual realm. They were able to make vehicles syncronize and slow down or syncronize and speed up in unison, which means together. Our organization happened to be on the other side of the tracks so when we saw the purple light turn on at the Sampson lofts we knew something was going to happen.
Certain players in their organization were excellent at surveillance and micro monitoring. This means they were able to track large groups of people in the spiritual realm and we're able to easily effect people, places, and things with no problem, whether good or bad.
Some of these individuals were able to ambush people in the spiritual realm with death warrants by placing spiritual death warrants on vehicles which had the ability to effect traffic or people by placing curses of death on them.
This group was so we'll known in the city of Houston that very few fraternities would risk going to battle against them. At one point in time, a phone was retrieved by someone that said one of the organizers at Sampson had over 2,000 names and phone numbers registered on the smart phone. This indicated to the finder that one of the possible organizers paid and incredible amount of attention to detail in order to be able to place that many numbers in a cell phone. It was understood that certain individuals could control storms and rainclouds down to the person or individual.
Based upon our findings, we see that certain individuals at Sampson may or are being protected by this discussion forum as well as the Centurian Forums, as we are able to see our holograms illuminate as we pass by the Sampson lofts, indicating they are under spiritual surveillance and under protection for those that qualify or have qualified in the past.
So, what does the real Sampson from the book of Judges think about all of this kaos? Fraternities using his name hundreds of thousands of times? Sending storms, rain clouds, and destruction all over the planet? Making people really feel it, see it, and hear it.
Rewinding to the past and from what we saw at one time, Sampson was a very powerful underground fraternity. Rewinding even further and according to Sampson in the Bible, the book of Judges 16:28, said Sampson called unto the Lord, and said, O Lord God, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Phillistines for my two eyes.
This code has double meanings. It places requests to approved spiritual authorities that held the power back in the day of Sampson from the book of Judges in order to use the same power and authority and makes ajustments day by day every time this code is used bybcorrecting any forms of authority that may have been misused by the Sampson fraternity and creates a spiritual permanent and interchangeable heirarchy structure within our organization.
This code auto places each person that participated from the Sampson fraternity, concerning the spiritual realm and synchronizes and reorganizes the entire structure of people under our organization. Once you are approved we choose business owners to assist in leading teams that control entire markets that control entire countries.
126. Pre Programmed Spiritual Coversations
That Are Sent Through Our Spiritual Auto Dialer
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code accesses our database and sends automatic conversations with hologram pictures to people who are starting trouble with anyone participating with our organization. This code grows in strength every time it is used and is able to easily frustrate people that are bothering you. This code accesses STRICT 9 participants and contacts them when necessary and unloads STRICT 9 protocol by working to disarm and nuetralize your threats.
This code accesses a different set of codes called conversation codes 1-34 that have the person reap what they have sown. The code also accesses conversation channels, territorial control of cities, states, & countries by visually and verbally shutting down any threats using approved karma paid channels and implements and downloads hidden code
H6z7D1FGTBCy871UNIDA X 29B - TUKh - 42
127. Chris & Melissa
Super Loud & Very Visual Picture Show
This group was one of the most annoying and one of the loudest groups I have ever heard in the spiritual realm. As soon as I walked out of their house, make a phone call, or there name was said, the karma would start.
Litterally all you had to do was think the name Chris or Melissa and you would hear what appeared to be thousands and thousands of people and spiritual powers talking and talking and talking for months and months at a time.
It was apparent that they were receiving lots of help from either Budapest people or the Wika people, but what ever the case was, they were so we'll disguised and hidden it was nearly impossible to figure the Chris & Melissa group out.
I finally got fed up with hearing the spiritual conversations in the spiritual realm, that I pulled Chris aside and told him that I am hearing his name and Melissa's name hundreds of times a day and seeing numerous images appear out of thin air relating to his group. He listened and didn't have anything to say.
I mean their pictures would appear out of thin air and walk right into my room and just do annoying things for hours and hours at a time. I would later find out that they would track people and build karma resevoires up that would automatically place them at an advantage and any of their friends at a disadvantage by exploiting their weaknesses in the spiritual realm. Chris appeared to be the brain of the operation while Melissa appeared to be the tag along.
For two people, I would rate these two people's ability to destroy their cometitors on our top 10 list. It took us over a year to dismantle the group that was responsible for the 24-7 listening and picture show.
This code contacts every single person in their network, including every spiritual authority and automatically runs a conversion spiritual program that repels hexes being sent to anyone participating with our program and creates an internal heirarchy system within our infrastructure that recategorizes people every time this code goes out while combinning with all other codes in order to create a picture show by increasing the level of loudness and conversations for months and years at a time.
This code auto locates other people around the world that may be a Chris & Melissa and places these people in our heirarchy structure as well as footstools any people that have been caught hexing our organization. So, this code can place any person as the next Chris & Melissa as long as they meet the Chris and Melissa parameters. Ecclesia is another conversation that people can hear in the spiritual realm that plays hundreds of thousands of times. Ecclesia is not a masturbation form of Karma as some people have been caught in the spiritual realm masturbating to the name for karma. The name Ecclesia happens to be a church so it is easy to understand what happens next.
128. Engine Overheat
& Sleep Walking
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
Have you ever had a mental meltdown where you feel like your entire body is going to burn up in an incinerator? They have a hex or curse that basically works like an engine and would probably be a good example of what we are talking about. The curse is brutal as it works to overdose the person similarly to how an engine over heats. The engine finally gets to where it can no longer take the pressure and it blows a head and destroys the engine.
This code seeks to locate the sender of the hex or curse and if approved by our mediation team places the guilty party as your shock absorber in our heirarchy, permanently.
In the past sleep walking, fighting with themselves, punching things, and binge eating is something we have seen in person. We feel it is dangerous and we would like to see a stop placed on individuals that have the authority or powers to place people in a trance like state like that.
This code runs automously in the spiritual and physical realm by locating the guilty party that is responsible for the hex or curse and places the individual or individuals as a permanent footstool for our organization as well as in your heirarchy so long as they have been found guilty of attempting to hex you.
This code runs in spill over prevention mode which automatically places the guilty people in a heirarchy that we design for you so that they can be monitored by your organization and insures they do not get away, hence the name spill over prevention. Your heirarchy is an extension of our organization and recategorizes your heirarchy every time this code is used.
This code shows an excellent 🏃 running engine that makes a sound that resembles a V8 or V12 in the spiritual realm for those that are participating with our organization. For those that have been aprehended and caught due to attempting to hex or curse anyone in our organization, well, now that is a different story.
129. Preacher Karma
Code Auto Tracks Any Individuals That Have Been Found Guilty of Hexing Preachers on Telivision With Filth & Filthy Pictures
This code tracks individuals in the spiritual realm that hex or curse preachers on Telivision by holding the individual responsible for the hex or curse.
The spell or hex that we have seen individuals use are designed to degrade and humiliate the preacher, pastor, or church member through forms of spiritual degredation.
Litterally speaking, we have seen things that are so sexually explicit that they should not be shown on TV. It's demoralizing because the TV station doesn't show it, the hex that has been placed on the station shows it.
This code auto seeks all individuals who have had this authority in the past and places a permanent block in the spiritual realm on their account so that they are unable to attach any more explicit pictures and automatically places the guilty individuals as a shock absorber in our organization and in a heirarchy that we have created for you.
This code restructures the heiarchy every time the code goes out. This code auto holograms images pertaining to your specific, wants, needs, and likes in the spiritual realm and creates a ethical structure for you that runs on autopilot as well as searches for any individuals that are still participating in destructive behavior by having them foot stool for your entire team.
130. People That Are In Trouble
For Trying To Hex The Homeless
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes
This code auto locates every person that has hexed the homeless, from past to present in every city, state, nation, and country in the entire world and places them as a shock absorber and a foot stool in our organization and in a heirarchy that we create for you.
We footstool the people found guilty of Hexing the homeless under the feet of the homeless permanently. Every time the person sends a hex to a homeless person this code increases the penalty for their negligent behavior and lowers the guilty individual lower in the footstooling category.
This code auto labels the guilty person with visible labels as a deterrent so they do not continue Hexing the homeless. This code increases the penalty of the code and allows anyone that has been homeless in the past to advocate as a voice for the homeless. This code locates all spiritual qualities of sustainability that the person found guilty had and auto converts them to qualities that you are able to use in the spiritual and physical realm.
131. Thumb Tack
Foot Pain, Hip Socket
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
There are individuals that send curses that cause immense pain in the foot. It feels like a thumb tack is being inserted in the middle of the foot and it is a very sharp pain, so we call it the thumb tack curse. There are individuals that send curses that cause immense pain in the feet focusing on pressure points. This code holograms a picture of a thumb tack every time the individual attempts to send you a hex or curse, by holding them responsible by footstooling them permanently before the hex can effect you.
There are individuals that focus on the hip and mobility locations concerning the joints of the human body. We show a picture of a socket tool every time an individual attempts to hex you and we foot stool them in our organization and in your heirarchy.
There are individuals that hex people's lips and they bite their lips extremely hard. This code foot stools them in our organization and in your heirarchy permanently.
There may be people that hex student loan borrowers. This code footstools the entire organization under the feet of the borrower by placing the hexers as permanent footstools in our organization and in your heirarchy.
132. Rectal Examination
Severe Pain & Discomfort
Vomiting & Further Discomfort
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
Being the endurer of hex and curse evaluations are not fun, so I do not suggest signing up for the job. It can be very dangerous and can place you at the edge of fear as you mentally cope with when your last breath is going to be and what fatal spiritual overdose is going to be assigned to your name as a form of testing in the spiritual realm.
I do not know when my last day is going to be as any day can be my last day when working in the realm of death, the occult, and the realm of the supernatural.
This code seeks those individuals that have been found guilty of rectal or vomiting hexes by first negotiating with the group before their hex or curse can be sent.
This hex or curse irritates the rectal area of the rectum and feels as though the rectum is expanding and tearing when the person is having a bowel movement. I would consider the hex or curse to be at a level 102 from 1 to 102, with 102 being the most dangerous. This is our point system based on what I have seen.
The vomiting hex or curse combined with flu related hexes are some of the most dangerous. What if a code could inbound all related hexes and curses from around the universe by redirecting and reflecting such hexes and curses back to the sender by penalizing them as well as auto recruiting them by disallowing them to resend the hex or curse?
133. Workers Karma
Workers Karma Philosophy
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
After reviewing the work force market segmentations it was important that we found a solution to what we will refer to as workers karma. This theory suggests that people that work normal jobs, for example 9 to 5, or that have worked at a job for 5, 10, 15, or 20 years, and are still able to maintain employment fall under the category of what we refer to as workers karma.
This theory suggests that any person that is able to hold a job for any length of time duration such as this must be under a level of spiritual protection that allows them the ability to work while conditions are volatile.
This theory would suggest that these people can hold down a job while working in hexed and cursed markets and are able to maintain employment while going through and eluding new variants.
This code places anyone participating with our organization under the workers karma philosophy, by spiritually protecting them in the same way as a normal person, that is working a real job would receive. This code creates incremental deposits that places you at a higher level of spiritual protection each time this code goes out no matter who goes out.
If you were wondering why people are able to maintain such long employment streaks or how they could endure these variants while other people quickly diminished, then the evidence provided seems to support this theory.
In addition, anyone we determine is hexing people from their place of employment, we will remove their spiritual protection and place the spiritual coverage in our resevoir pool for people that are participating with our organization to use.
134. Amanii Personnel
Company Events & Sponsorship
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
For people that would like company sponsorship by means of special events or have specific requests in mind, they can contact us here at or the for special VIP access requests and approvals will be made through our Intercessory channel.
Costs and pricing will be dependent on what your specific goals are for the Astro Projection Event, whether local, domestic, or international. Feel free to use our intercessory channel for confirmations whether visual or verbal.
135. Nipples Karma
Embarrassing Karma
Receiving nipples karma can be one of the most humiliating forms of degradation in the world and can be very difficult to get rid of. If someone actually lands a hex on another person the hex can humiliate the person by exposing their nipples and enlarging them by an inch or two.
Every time the person's shirt comes off or they glance at their chest or the lower extremities of their body, their nipples are hologrammed out of thin air by embarrassing them.
This embarrassment is further fueled whether male or female by possibly being shown to other people. Instead of seeing a cool picture of a face photo, the other people may see what I refer to as nipples karma. This means their nipples are exposed instead of their face in the physical or spiritual realm.
We would advise to stay away from the grabbing or tugging of one's nipples through forms of sexual fornication if at all possible no matter how strong the addiction is.
There can be extreme penalties given to people that do it for extreme pleasure while under the influence of sexual enhancing drugs such as XTC, Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, or amphetamine.
There are monitors in the spiritual realm that monitor individuals that do it and monitors that monitor people that stick their index finger, fingers, or fists up their rectums. Now I personally don't know how a person can fit their entire fist up their own rectum, but I do know some people have managed to do it.
This code locates all individuals that are hexing people intentionally to humiliate them around the universe by placing them under your feet in our organization. This means that they are placed as a shock absorber for you.
This code contacts each person that has been found guilty and assigns precognition spiritual court by disallowing them to send any hexes out at all without going through precognition spiritual court first in order to determine why they are seeking to hurt, harm, or injur another person. This code auto determines the best form of action to take by either contacting you or using the best plan of action, taking into consideration any solutions that you would use.
This code works to grow your audience by auto recruiting in order to keep you ahead of the game. These are smart codes for smart people. If you have found your way here, we think you are a very smart person. Removing the pain from your area is what it is all about in addition to many more things.
135. CFANN Protection
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code links you to CFANN world wide spiritual protection as well as drops off prayers for Isreal and is linked to code 136. on
This code auto links to a backdoor universal code and shows a hologram of a fan spinning for those that are approved. The code gives credit to it's origin and sends the Yahweh hologram and provides a confirmation to you in person before and after. This code is designed to deter and stop ruthless behavior in the spiritual realm including child pornography, child molestations, human trafficking, pedephiles, and other sever criminal behavior.
136. The Laying Man
Who is He and What Does He Do
459067-349065-02-89345-7The Laying Man
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
This code Astro Projects a person that resembes an infamous person. The Astro Projected Version that I have seen appears to resemble many of the pictures and images of Yahweh.
Before requesting for the astro projected version of this person to appear, this code verifys your situation in order to determine how to assist you.
This code accurately defines the problem and offers a solution for both parties. If you are able to see him and can confirm without a reasonable shawdow of a doubt, congratulations. Be careful of immitations claiming to be God and always verify and confirm through multiple channels.
137. Green Giant
He is Tall & Very Green
Code upgraded)
These codes are based on approval and are combined with all other codes.
What if a code could send out a Green Giant that could articulate and communicate with you? What if the Green Giant was in charge of Rapid Deterioration and could offer what we call patch work which would be designed to permanently remove certain hexes or curses that are nearly impossible to remove? What if the giant could communicate in advance with other individuals in order to recruit them before they can spell bind or cast the spell or hex on you? What if they could negotiate on your behalf before the curse is sent your way? What if the Green Giant could make auto adjustments in your favor giving you better control or advantage over those wishing you harm?
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23. Try apocalypse Mode Against Your Intruders
Last edited by UnoAmanii (1/15/2024 12:41 pm)